Title Article One

The week before your session

Hydration is key:

We ask our moms to make an effort to stay hydrated the entire week leading up to their scanning session. Research shows, drinking water may increase your amniotic fluid volume, which creates a “window” to view the baby. It’s important to note, we are relying on the amniotic fluid to obtain 3D/4D images. As your session date approaches, make an effort to drink at least 64 oz if possible. It could take days for the water you drink to materialize into amniotic fluid. Carrying a water bottle with you to work or around the house may help. Have a glass of water nearby at all times and do your best! 

The day of your session

Eat before session:

Try to have something light to eat like sandwich, salad or couple servings of fruit, preferably 45 minutes to an hour before your session. Bananas, dates, cherries, figs, and pomegranates are natural sugars which may wake the baby up!  Avoid heavy meals before a scan, this can make the baby sleepy or lethargic.

Have a glass of juice:

Drinking a glass of iced cold orange juice, apple juice, etc. could also help the baby become more active. Try to have a glass about 30 minutes before your session if possible.

A full bladder is not necessary:

Although we request and appreciate you staying hydrated, we do not need a full bladder to perform your 3D/4D scan.

Wear loose 2pcs clothing:

We recommend a two-piece top and pants/skirt/skort loose outfit so we can access your abdomen without you having to remove any clothes. Keep in mind you may have to move the bottoms down to your bikini line to provide better imaging quality, so please wear something stretchy and easy to shift.

Prepare a few towels:

Please prepare a few towels for your scanning session. Although our gel is water based and should dry, we’d prefer to not get it on your couch or bed dirty. It also comes handy for clean up on your belly afterwards.